
activate https

This song belongs to the MidiWriter project. It is dedicated to Miriam.

- description
- Midi file
- Ogg file

This song is part of the compilation Experimental Sonatas 1.
- Ogg version
- MP3 version

If you want to support my work, please donate via Gittip/Flattr here:

The artwork published here is under the copyright of Albert Zeyer.

- Other artwork
- Mainsite


Albert Zeyer (Mail)

You are the 2341153th boy, who looks closely at this site.

Quote of the day

"Not in public!" growled the wanton penguin as the satanic faggot butler sucked her jiggling elbows and ripped his humongous jackhammer into her porous sanctum sanctorum.


10:13:04 up 1514 days, 14:55, 10 users, load average: 0.03, 0.09, 0.49

About this homepage

The code can be seen here. Please contact me if you find any problems. :)